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Volume 3 Issue 2 Year 2008
Mathematical Modeling
Matrix model of the Steller’s sea eagle Haliaeetus pelagicus population in Sakhalin
Romanov M. S., Masterov V. B.
Modeling of Hernia Stress-deformed Condition
Kuzin A. A., Kuzin R. A., Khakimov A. G.
Proceedings of The International Conference "Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics"
Unrestrained reciprocal space refinement of macromolecular structures as a tool to indicate alternative conformations
Sobolev Î. V., Lunin V. Y.
Estimation of a potential functional significance for the IVS2(+4) t/c, IVS4(-44) t/c è IVS5(-47) a/g polymorphisms of the HFE human hereditary hemochromatosis gene
Mikhailova S.V., Babenko V.N., Maximov V.N., Voevoda M.I., Kobzev V.F., Romashchenko A.G.
Ñonnection of Shape of Globular Proteins with their Folding and Unfolding Rates
Bogatyreva N.S., Ivankov D. N., Lobanov M. Yu., Galzitskaya O.V.
Modelling of dynamics of the self-organizing processes in spatially distributed plant communities
Kolobov A.N., Frisman E.Ya.
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