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Volume 7   Issue 2   Year 2012
Informational Support of the Breeding Experiment in Wheat in the WheatPGE System

Genaev M.A., Doroshkov A.V., Pshenichnikova T.A., Morozova E.V., Simonov A.V., Afonnikov D.A.

Institute of Cytology and Genetics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Abstract. Modern breeding experiment in plants is based on the information about genome and genetic markers and should provide the collection and management of large amount of phenotypic information. In the current work we describe WheatPGE database that provide informational support of such experiments in wheat including high throughput phenotyping. The database is available at


Key words: databases, wheat, phenotype, genotype, environment, selection experiment.

Table of Contents Original Article
Math. Biol. Bioinf.
doi: 10.17537/2012.7.410
published in Russian

Abstract (rus.)
Abstract (eng.)
Full text (rus., pdf)


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