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Volume 10 Issue 1 Year 2015
Review Articles
How Animals Find Their Way in Space. Experiments and Modeling
Yakov B. Kazanovich, Ivan E. Mysin
Mathematical Modeling
Mechanisms Regulating
Escherichia Coli dps
Gene Expression under Stress: Reconstruction on Kinetic Data
Khlebodarova T.M., Stepanova T.Yu., Oshchepkov D.Yu., Babkin I.V., Tikunova N.V., Likhoshvai V.A.
Ground Vegetation Modeling through Functional Species Groups and Patches in the Forest Floor
Khanina L.G., Bobrovsky M.V., Smirnov V.E., Grozovskaya I.S., Romanov M.S., Lukina N.V., Isaeva L.G.
Flow in Antroduodenal Part of Digestive Tract: Mathematical Model and Some Results
Trusov P.V., Zaitseva N.V., Kamaltdinov M.R.
Dynamics of Ensemble of Active Brownian Particles Controlled by Noise
Sergeev K.S., Vadivasova T.E., Chetverikov A.P.
Computer modeling and molecular dynamics of polarization switching in the ferroelectric films PVDF and P(VDF-TrFE) on nanoscale
Gevorkyan V.E., Paramonova E.V., Avakyan L.A., Bystrov V.S.
On the Types of Bacterial Growth Laws
Likhoshvai V.A., Khlebodarova T.M.
Kinks Behavior near the Boundaries Separating Homogeneous Regions of DNA
Grinevich A.A., Yakushevich L.V.
Modeling Of the Phytoplankton Dynamics Considering the Mechanisms of Ectocrine Regulation
Zhdanova O.L., Abakumov A.I.
On The Mechanisms of Nitrite Utilization by
Escherichia coli
Cells during Stationary Growth
Ree N.A.,Likhoshvai V.A., Khlebodarova T.M.
Assessment of Health Status of a Population on the Basis of Entropy Modeling
Tyrsin A.N., Kalev O.F., Yashin D.A., Lebedeva O.V.
Using Clustering by Coupled Map Lattices for Metapopulation Dynamics Simulation
Kulakov M.P., Frisman E.Ya.
Simulation of Spontaneous Activity in Neuronal Cultures with Long-Term Plasticity
Degterev A.A., Burtsev M.S.
Bipolaron in anisotropic crystals (arbitrary coupling)
Kashirina N.I., Lakhno V.D.
Stem Multiplets: a New Approach to the Description of Tertiary RNA Motifs
Baulin E.F, Roytberg M.A.
A search for relict ribonucleotide and amino acid sequences that played a key role in the development of the ribosome and modern protein diversity
Skoblikow N.E., Zimin ΐ.ΐ.
REP-elements of the
Escherichia coli
Genome and Transcription Signals: Positional and Functional Analysis
Markelova N.Yu., Masulis I.S., Ozoline O.N.
Data mining
Maya-K-PDB Software for the Three-Dimensional Modeling and Visualization of the Conformational Dynamics of Biomacromolecules
Filippov S.V., Sivozhelezov V.S., Kim V.L., Sychev V.V., Ustinin M.N.
Information and Computer Technologies in Biology and Medicine
Prospects for Using of Data Centers in Solution of Problems of Mathematical Biology and Bioinformatics
Kornilov V.V., Isaev E.A., Isaev K.A.
Translations of published articles
REP-elements of the
Escherichia coli
genome and transcription signals: positional and functional analysis
Markelova N.Y., Masulis I.S., Ozoline O.N.
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